hogwarts legacy pc performance criticized

Hogwarts Legacy’s PC Performance Criticized in Early Reviews

Hogwarts Legacy launched to rave reviews, but its PC version reportedly suffers from fluctuating frame rates, disappearing NPCs, and malfunctioning environments. However, these performance issues have not been reported on other platforms like PS5, PS4, and Xbox.

Stuttering frame rates are common in Hogwarts Legacy’s PC version

Hogwarts Legacy currently has a Metacritic average of 85, with many reviewers praising the game’s deep dive into Harry Potter lore. However, multiple reviews have noted that the PC version suffers from performance issues.

One review noted that an entire area brought their FPS below 20 FPS, while busy areas were often experienced at 40 FPS (via PCGamesN). Another reviewer experienced unpredictable frame rates throughout the game, frustrating their attempts at combat and puzzles (via NME).

These issues seem to be limited to the PC version, as no similar performance problems have been reported on consoles.

Hogwarts Legacy isn’t the only recent PC game to suffer from frame rate issues. The Callisto Protocol suffered similar problems on day one, requiring players to tweak their graphics settings to achieve consistent framerates.

Hogwarts Legacy is available to play for Deluxe and Collector’s edition owners at midnight local time on February 7. However, Xbox users can use the New Zealand trick to access it now. Standard edition owners will have to wait until February 10.

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