walt jesse reunite super bowl ad breaking bad
Images (L-R): Ben Rothstein/Netflix, AMC

Breaking Bad’s Walt and Jesse Return in Super Bowl Ad

Breaking Bad may be over, but that hasn’t stopped the buzz surrounding the show, or the characters involved, any time it is mentioned. One company in particular has bought into that ever-present hype, reuniting Walter White and Jesse Pinkman one more time, to star in a one-minute Super Bowl 2023 ad. With Walter and Jesse reunited, what product are they trying to break into the market with this time?

Walter White and Jesse Pinkman sell PopCorners in Super Bowl ad

The ad starts with Jesse trying one of the PopCorners for himself, telling Walter they are “the bomb,” before the pair use them to break into the market once more. “Say. Their. Name.” Walter tells Tuco Salamanca, from Breaking Bad Season 1 and 2. Tuco demands seven flavors of the snack, before the company confirm that there are now seven different flavors of PopCorners available.

It’s a fleeting, but rare reunion for Walt and Jesse. Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul have both previously expressed their openness to potentially reprising their roles in Breaking Bad, but with no talks about a sixth season being on the cards, it is moments like these from this year’s Super Bowl that fans will instead have to savor.

In 2019, El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie debuted on Netflix. It served as a sequel to the AMC series, and continued Jesse’s story, with both Paul and Cranston reprising their roles. Jesse Plemons, Krysten Ritter, Charles Baker, Matt Jones, Jonathan Banks, and the late Robert Forster all also returned.

Spinoff series Better Call Saul, starring Bob Odenkirk in the titular role, also ran for six seasons. This served as a prequel to Breaking Bad, following the trials and tribulations of Jimmy McGill, as he transformed into the notorious criminal lawyer, Saul Goodman. The show concluded in August 2022.

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