Pikmin 4 Release Date

Pikmin 4 Release Date Revealed at Nintendo Direct 2023

Nintendo has revealed that the Pikmin 4 release date as July 21, 2023 during the Nintendo Direct presentation that aired today, February 8. As the first game during the showcase, the trailer was fairly low-key, showing that Pikmin 4 looks very much like what Pikmin has always been like.

Pikmin 4 trailer features the adorable Oatchi

The short Pikmin 4 trailer expands on the initial reveal for the game in September 2022. Your main character’s spaceship lands in the backyard of some citizen and proceeds to command a horde of Pikmin. The gameplay video showed off a bunch of Red Pikmin smashing through a dirt wall, Yellow Pikmin carrying goggles, and Ice Pikmin freezing and smashing an enemy into a bunch of ice cues.

The trailer also reveals an important canine companion called Oatchi who will help your character named Shepherd perform a lot of platforming. Oatchi is seen moving creatures around, being a boat for your Pikmin across shallow pools of water, finding castaways, and otherwise carrying your character around as safely as possible.

Near the end of the trailer, we see a large orange creature walk toward the screen with large glowing red eyes. It looks like something will make the enemies angry in the game.

It’s not yet clear whether Pikmin 4 for Nintendo Switch will have any special editions or pre-order bonuses, but hopefully we’ll get more information soon.

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