twitch hasan piker hasanabi hogwarts legacy boycott
Image: HasanAbi on Twitch

Twitch’s HasanAbi Says Hogwarts Legacy Boycott is ‘Meaningless’

Twitch streamer Hasan Piker, aka HasanAbi, has spoken out once more about why he thinks the Hogwarts Legacy boycott has backfired. The left-wing political commentator has doubled down on his support for trans rights, while saying that the attempted “bullying” of anyone playing and streaming the game is not the right path to take.

In last night’s stream on his channel, Hasan said that the game’s boycott was “meaningless,” which has led to further debate and controversy surrounding his take on the situation. Some of those who don’t think the game should be bought, played, or streamed, have been seen entering the chat section of content creator’s streams,

HasanAbi wants Hogwarts Legacy boycotters to “make a better ask”

Speaking to his audience, Hasan said: “What many do not recognize is, make a better ask. That’s the thing because the demand is so marginal and so silly so that most people go, ‘no what the fuck are you talking about?'”

He believes that there would have been a number of different ways to go about supporting the transgender community, rather than taking part in this “tiny” ask.

“That’s just because it’s so meaningless in the grand scheme of things,” he added. “So the very fact that you’re asking for such a tiny thing in and of itself, is perhaps half the reason people are not taking it seriously.”

In his opinion, Hasan does also think that transphobic people will bear some of the responsibility for the boycott failing, as the streamer said: “The other half is because, and this is the sad and scary state of affairs, is that people don’t give a shit about trans people.”

Despite not being officially released until tomorrow (February 10, 2023), Hogwarts Legacy has already broken through the one million mark with Twitch viewership. While many have considered the boycott and decided not to even mention the game on their channels, it would appear that it is going to be one of the year’s most popular titles.

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