zootopia 2 release date cast plot leaks rumors disney
Image: Disney

Zootopia 2: Release Date, Cast, Plot, Leaks, and Rumors

Disney has revealed plans to make Zootopia 2. Speaking to company investors in a call, Disney’s new CEO, Bob Iger, confirmed the news. He also said that there would be the sequel Frozen 3, and a new Toy Story 5 movie. Iger promised more details soon, but here’s everything we know about the movie’s release date, cast, and plot so far.

What is the Zootopia 2 release date?

No Zootopia 2 release date has yet been confirmed. Disney has only just announced its plans to make the sequel, following the original 2016 release. It could be a while before we hear anything concrete about when the movie will be released to theaters.

Who is in the Zootopia 2 cast?

There has not been an official cast announcement for Zootopia 2. Despite this, it is likely that the majority of the main voice cast from the original film will reprise their roles in the sequel.

zootopia 2 release date cast plot rumors leaks disney
Ginnifer Goodwin is expected to return to her role as Judy in the Zootopia sequel / Image: Paul Archuleta/Getty Images

This includes Ginnifer Goodwin as Judy, Jason Bateman as Nick, Idris Elba as Chief Bogo, Jenny Slate as Bellwether, Nate Torrence as Clawhauser, Bonnie Hunt as Bonnie, Don Lake as Stu, Tommy Chong as Yax, J.K. Simmons as Mayor Lionheart, Octavia Spencer as Mrs. Otterton, and Alan Tudyk as Duke.

Zootopia 2 plot

Nothing is known about the plot of Zootopia 2 so far. The first movie ended with Nick and Judy outsmarting Bellwether, while exposing the villain to the public. Judy proves herself more than capable, while Nick became the first ever fox recruit in the Zootopia Police Department.

It is likely the film will pick up some time shortly after these events. Now that Nick is an official member of the ZPD, he could be going up against some other major criminals and villains, in a bid to bring justice and peace to Zootopia.

Zootopia 2 leaks and rumors

Nothing has yet leaked surrounding the movie, with rumors currently minimal due to the project only just being announced. As the weeks and months go by, the rumor mill may churn out something reliable, but for now, there is nothing important to note.

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