fortnite exotic shotgun smg 23.40 update

New Fortnite Exotic Shotguns and SMGs Added in 23.40 Update

Fortnite‘s 23.40 update introduces new weapons, including an Exotic shotgun and SMG, that should add an exciting dynamic to your games. They arrive as part of the Most Wanted event, which brings a ton of new content to the Battle Royale game.

Fortnite’s new Exotic shotguns and SMGs can be used now in the 23.40 update

The first new weapon is the Heisted Breacher Shotgun. This gun can destroy walls and cover and does a hefty amount of damage to boot. The second gun, the Heisted Run ‘N’ Gun SMG, is an Exotic SMG infused with Slap that reloads while sprinting.

These weapons were datamined by @iFireMonkey, who showed the Heisted Breacher Shotgun in action.

Three more Exotic weapons are available as part of the Fortnite 23.40 update. These include another SMG that grants Zero Point Dash while double jumping, a shotgun that increases your movement speed and fire rate, and an assault rifle that fires explosive projectiles.

Fortnites’ Most Wanted Event, which also arrived as part of the 23.40 update, also marks the return of Vaults and Vault Keycards. These new vaults contain a wealth of chests and loot and are scattered around the map.

The 23.40 update is playable now. Unfortunately, these Exotic weapons and the new Heat mechanic are not included in competitive playlists.

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