the little mermaid teaser melissa mccarthy ursula
Image: Nathan Congleton/NBC via Getty Images

The Little Mermaid Teaser Offers First Look at Melissa McCarthy as Ursula

Disney’s live-action The Little Mermaid movie is just a few months away from hitting the big screen. Set to debut in May 2023, the film stars Halle Bailey in the titular role as Ariel, with Melissa McCarthy starring opposite as Ursula, the villainous Sea Witch. Up until now, McCarthy’s take on the character has been kept closely guarded, but we have been given a glimpse of what to expect in the latest teaser for the upcoming release.

Melissa McCarthy laughs as Ursula in new look at The Little Mermaid live-action Disney movie

While it is a very fleeting glance of The Little Mermaid’s villain Ursula, this first look at the iconic Disney character should be enough to keep fans excited about the upcoming movie. McCarthy sports the traditional Ursula look, complete with heavy makeup around the eyes, and a purple tone to the skin. You can also see one of her many tentacles in frame, as well as the eyes of one of her mischievous eels, Flotsam or Jetsam.

Elsewhere in the teaser, Ariel can be seen leaning in to embrace Prince Eric, who is being played by Jonah Hauer-King. There is also a closer look at some of the underwater environment that will be lighting up the big screen later this year, including other mermaids and fish.

The live-action Little Mermaid movie is expected to stick closely to the story told in the Disney classic, originally released in 1989. It tells the tale of Ariel, who falls in love with a man from the world above the water, and trades her voice in a deal with evil Sea Witch Ursula, in exchange for human legs. Ursula gains Ariel’s unique singing ability in acquiring her voice, using it in the hopes to seduce Prince Eric and claim ultimate power in the human world.

The Little Mermaid 2023 swims into theaters on May 26.

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