MW2 Unlocking the Crossbow Early

Here’s How MW2 and Warzone 2 Players Are Unlocking the Crossbow Early

Players are unlocking the crossbow early in MW2 and Warzone 2. This isn’t a case of special paid-for early access, either, as all players are able to use the crossbow early, provided they know how to get it. Thankfully, the process is painless.

Unlocking the crossbow early in Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2

To unlock the crossbow early in Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2, players are making use of the Private Match feature. By setting up a Private Match, players can configure the loadouts and equip the new crossbow weapon.

Private Match loadouts are treated as separate from the main game, with all guns and attachments being unlocked without the need to level up through the ranks or grind out weapon challenges for XP.

With the latest patch installed, all players are able to set up a Private Match and try out the new crossbow weapon for themselves.

Alternatively, for those who want to use the crossbow without setting up a Private Match, the crossbow can actually be found as ground loot in Warzone 2. First impressions suggest that the weapon is surprisingly strong, so long as the user is accurate enough to land a hit.

While the crossbow is cool and all, it certainly isn’t the best gun in the game. For those looking to arm themselves with the best guns for Season 2, here’s a list of the best weapons and Perks.

Season 2 won’t last forever, meaning players have a limited time to unlock all Battle Pass tiers. Here’s when Season 2 is ending.

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