Wild Hearts Steam Reviews Negative

Wild Hearts Slammed With Negative Steam Reviews for Running Poorly on PC

Koei Tecmo’s Wild Hearts has been criticized by Steam user reviews for its lack of polish and optimization on PC. At the time of this writing, it has a “mostly negative” rating after taking over 250 reviews into account, with only 26% of them being positive.

These preliminary ratings are based on the early access build of Wild Hearts, currently available through EA Play. Meanwhile, developers Koei Tecmo and Omega Force have acknowledged these performance issues and are working on a patch that will be ready next week.

Even positive Wild Hearts Steam reviews recommend waiting for a performance patch

Pouring through the ‘most helpful’ Steam reviews for Wild Hearts, many players have slammed the game for a slew of technical issues, including frame rate drops, bad optimization, numerous bugs, and a CPU bottleneck. Many of the positive ‘recommended’ reviews even state that the game runs poorly, though they like the overall Karakuri free-building concept of the game, and tell other players not to purchase it until a performance patch is released.

On that front, the CPU bottleneck was specifically acknowledged by the developers on the official Wild Hearts Reddit who also stated that an upcoming patch should help address the issue across mid-high end CPUs. Earlier today in a separate Reddit thread, Koei Tecmo said that it had found significant enough problems with resolution that it will be adjusting the game’s recommended specs.

Meanwhile, Wild Hearts is getting fairly positive scores overall from critics, with a 79 Metascore for PS5 and a 76 Metascore for Xbox Series X.

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