TikTok April 24 Trend

TikTok’s April 24 Trend Is Awful and Disturbing

The infamous TikTok April 24 trend is appearing again in 2023, with the heinous trend being widely condemned by users on the app. Following its initial inception in 2021, the #April24 trend has returned to the giant social media platform, with users referring to the date as the ‘National Day of Sexual Assault.’ As a result, many are calling for accounts that uncritically post to the trend to be reported and banned.

What is the TikTok April 24 trend?

“April 24” is a growing trend on the TikTok app and website, with creators discussing the day and crimes associated with it. The trend was originally created to mock Sexual Assault Awareness Month each April, with it initially created by six men who posted a video promoting “National Rape Day,” sparking outrage across the app. Since then, the controversy rears its head each year.

While the trend’s origin can’t be easily tracked down, the discussion of April 24 alone is causing a snowball effect. Creators are amassing millions of views by just reacting to the trend which is then inspiring more creators to record their own reactions. Audiences are also beginning to ask “What happens on April 24?” leading to an even bigger trend and higher view count.

The size and scale of TikTok combined with how it handles trending topics is likely to rapidly raise awareness of April 24, for better or worse.

TikTok trends can be a force for good, like the healthy habits encouraged by the Treadmill Trend, or the Index Card Trend that motivates couples to be more spontaneous, so it’s disappointing to see dangerous trends like April 24 gaining momentum.

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