the marvels release date delayed delay
Image: Marvel/Disney

The Marvels Release Date Delayed to November 10

The Marvels release date has been delayed to November 10, it has been revealed in a new poster for the upcoming Marvel movie. The hefty rescheduling of the film changes plans for MCU Phase 5, shortly following the release of Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania.

The Marvels release date delay revealed in new poster

The Marvels’ delay was revealed by way of a new poster, though no reasoning was offered for the change in date by Disney. The delay pushes it out of its original summer release slot, with it initially set to debut on July 28.

Interestingly, Disney has moved the Haunted Mansion’s release date forward, with it now set to release in theaters on July 28 after initially being penciled in for an August 11 release.

The Marvels is set to be a sequel to Captain Marvel, the hit 2019 blockbuster starring Brie Larson in the role. The film will also feature Kamala Khan a.k.a. Ms. Marvel (Iman Vellani) and Monica Rambeau (Teyonah Parris).

Disney shared an earnings report this month in which CEO Bob Iger revealed big and immediate changes that would be made to the company, including alterations to how it would schedule its shows and movies. It seems that The Marvels’ changed release date is one of these alterations.

This news comes as Ant-Man’s latest outing is facing a successful run at the Box Office, despite the very mixed reviews for Disney’s 31st Marvel movie.

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