Suicide Squad Kill The Justice League Age Rating

Suicide Squad Kill The Justice League Leak Backed up by Age Rating

Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League is getting a full presentation today at the State of Play, and ahead of that we have an official age rating for the game that may prove a previous leak true.

Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League leak could be true

The official age rating for Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League is 18 (for Singapore audiences), and in the age rating description the IMDA provides the following details are specified:

God of War Ragnarok Spoilers

“A character with a blade impaled in the neck, another’s heart being ripped out, and a man being decapitated with blood spurting out of the neck stump.”

This might not seem particularly special from the outset (though it is noticeably more brutal than the previous Batman Arkham games), but a plot leak from January lines up with this description.

In the plot leak, The Flash and Batman both die toward the tail end of the game. The leak purports that The Flash is decapitated by Captain Boomerang who then kills Batman, with Captain Boomerang’s weapon getting stuck in Batman’s throat. It’s possible that this is all a coincidence, but it’s something worth considering with the upcoming State of Play presentation.

In other news, Atomic Heart’s female robot has an eerie similarity to a Ukrainian political leader, and Shinji Mikami has officially left Tango Gameworks.

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