Nintendo Switch 2 Release Date Rumor

Nintendo Switch 2 Release Date Rumor Sparked by Pokemon Scarlet Violet Leak

A new rumor on the Nintendo Switch 2 release date has been brought to light, suggesting that a new Switch model could be scheduled for Fall or Winter 2023. This comes from a leak on 4chan from February 24 that surprisingly got a lot of information correct for the upcoming Pokemon Scarlet and Violet DLC slated later this year, as revealed during the Pokemon Presents showcase that aired earlier today, February 27. As usual, we recommend that you take this rumor with a grain of salt.

New Nintendo Switch models supposedly arriving with Pokemon DLC

The author of the post on 4chan describes himself as a programmer at a “Pokemon outsourcing company” and accurately details many aspects of the trailer for the Hidden Treasure of Area Zero DLC (which is even directly named in the post). The main detail that was strangely left unconfirmed, however, describes “a graphics enhancement patch for the new Nintendo Switch models that will be released alongside DLC2.”

Given that this leak is mostly accurate, this has lead to a rumor claiming that the Nintendo Switch 2 release date will be in Fall or Winter 2023, which is when The Teal Mask DLC and The Indigo Mask DLC release respectively.

That said, these “new Nintendo Switch models” might refer to a Switch OLED model or other console variations that have nothing to do with the Switch 2. It’s also possible that this enhancement patch is simply inaccurate despite the rest of the post.

The Pokemon Presents showcase today also revealed Pokemon Sleep, Pokemon Concierge, and the Pokemon Go Plus + accessory.

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