super mario bros movie release day april 5

Super Mario Bros. Movie Release Date Moved By Two Days

The Super Mario Bros. Movie release date has been moved forward by two days, Nintendo and Illumination have confirmed. This change in date will affect the U.S. and 60 other markets worldwide.

When is the new Super Mario Bros. Movie release date?

The Super Mario Bros. Movie will now release on April 5, 2023, two days ahead of its original April 7 release date. Illumination confirmed that the game will hit theaters in additional markets in April and May, with it opening in Japan on April 28.

The reason behind this release date change wasn’t revealed, though it will now be opening in markets on Wednesday, April 7, rather than its original Friday slot. This follows its initial delay last year, where it moved from December 21, 2022, to 2023.

The Super Mario Bros. Movie has been a controversial topic, with many bemoaning Chris Pratt’s take on the titular heroic plumber. The film also features Charlie Day as the voice of Luigi, Anya Taylor-Joy as Princess Peach, and Jack Black as Bowser. Despite the concerns around its voice cast, its trailers have been well-received, with many picking apart the various references that made their way into its second trailer.

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