Leaked Mar10 Nintendo Switch Bundle
Image via Nintendo

Leaked Mar10 Nintendo Switch Bundle Includes Mario Kart 8, Mario Odyssey, or Mario Bros. U

Rumblings of a Super Mario-themed Nintendo Switch bundle dropping in celebration of the upcoming Mar10 day have been confirmed as images of the boxed console appear online, which includes a buyer’s choice of either Mario Kart 8, Odyssey, or Mario Bros. U Deluxe.

Mar10 Switch Bundle Leak is not an OLED model

Revealed via MyNintendoNews, the images of the bundle have confirmed most suspicions surrounding the obvious red joy-con color theming, but sadly Nintendo continues to dash hopes surrounding any new Switch OLED bundles, with the make and model of the included console confirmed to be the V2 Switch and not an OLED model.

On top of the three games included which are available via download code, there are also some promotional Super Mario Bros. Movie stickers included. Given the older, standard model that’s on offer here, we can expect some form of discount to be available on the bundle in celebration of our favorite red plumber on March 10.

In other news, a Minecraft bedrock leak has revealed a new world editor mode.

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