Warhammer 40K 10th Edition: Release Date Rumors and Leaks

The Warhammer 40K 10th Edition release date is right around the corner, according to numerous sources. While Games Workshop hasn’t provided us with an official announcement, plenty of rumors indicate the next edition of Warhammer 40,000 will release soon.

Is there a Warhammer 40K10th Edition release date?

The Warhammer 40K 10th Edition release date is rumored to be June 24, 2023. This date is based on “trusted sources” reportedly verified by Warhammer YouTuber Chapter Master Valrak.

According to Valrak, Games Workshop staff will be attending training seminars ahead of that date, and they have also been informed that they cannot book any vacation time during this period.

These leaks are backed up by the fact that every edition since 7th Edition in 2014 has been released three years apart, with all editions landing in late June or early July.

Additionally, since the run-up to 8th Edition, Games Workshop has regularly released a series of narrative books to set up the game’s next edition. Gathering Storm preceded 8th, and Psychic Awakening preceded 9th. The current narrative arc, Arks of Omen, consists of five books, with one released a month starting in January. Thus, we can expect the narrative to wrap up in May, just before the expected Warhammer 40K 10th edition release date.

Finally, the annual Warhammer Fest is scheduled for April 29-May 1, 2023, and Games Workshop has confirmed the event will show off “huge new reveals.”

All the signs point toward an imminent release for Warhammer 40K 10th edition this June. We’ll be updating you with more rumors as the date approaches.

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