Scream 6 Rotten Tomatoes score reviews
Image: Paramount Pictures/Spyglass Media Group

Scream 6 Rotten Tomatoes Score Revealed as Reviews Come In

The initial Scream 6 Rotten Tomatoes score has been revealed, as the Scream VI reviews embargo is now up. It’s a strong opening for the latest slasher movie in the horror franchise, and looks to be headed in the right direction to cement itself as one of the most enjoyable Scream films across the entire series.

Scream 6 reviews deliver strong first Rotten Tomatoes score

The Scream 6 reviews embargo is now up and the initial Rotten Tomatoes score stands at 83% after 12 reviews. This is almost 10% higher than the “Certified Fresh” score that Scream 5 landed on when all was said and done, so if the rating manages to maintain at the same level, or perhaps even increase as more reviews come in, Paramount Pictures and Spyglass Media Group should be very happy with the outcome.

Scream 6 Rotten Tomatoes score reviews
Image: Paramount Pictures/Spyglass Media Group

Deadline praised returning directors Matt Bettinelli-Olpin and Tyler Gillett for keeping “the action moving at a swift pace as the bodies pile up and the blood flows,” while also pointing out that “the well-chosen cast helps a lot.” The A.V. Club, meanwhile, said that “Scream VI ends in the way all good horror movies should: With fans dying for more.” They especially enjoyed Melissa Barrera’s performance, noting she was “somewhat underused” in Scream 5, but stands “front and center” here.

Not everybody was as impressed, however. Digital Spy said that while audiences will have a “bloody good time,” the film sticks too closely to “familiar rules.” They call the movie’s third act a “lacklustre big finale, which ends up being a mash-up of Scream elements we’ve seen before.”

Nevertheless, with the majority of reviews delivering a strong initial score for the horror, the future is looking bright for the Scream series.

Scream 6 is out in theaters across the U.K. now, and heads to select screenings in the U.S. on March 9, before its global release on March 10, 2023.

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