the mandalorian season 3 episode 2 mythosaur underwater monster explained

The Mandalorian Season 3 Episode 2: What is the Mythosaur Underwater Monster?

The Mandalorian Season 3 Episode 2‘s ending introduces the Mythosaur, an underwater monster that pulls Din Djarin (Pedro Pascal) into the living waters and nearly kills the hero. But what is this creature, and what is its importance to The Mandalorian’s story?

What is The Mandalorian Mythosaur monster in the living waters?

The Mythosaur is the symbol of the Mandalorian, who previously roamed the world of Mandalore but were believed to have extinct. However, The Mandalorian Season 3 Episode 2 reveals that at least one Mythosaur is alive and well, lurking in the living waters after Mandalore was destroyed.

While the Mythosaur’s introduction in The Mandalorian is an aggressive one — Bo Katan is forced to save Din after the beast pulls the protagonist underwater — Mythosaurs and Mandalorians were believed to have worked alongside each other. According to legend, Mythosaurs were tamed and ridden by Mandalorians, something that has previously been referenced in the Disney Plus show.

Back in the very first episode of the series, Kuiil was training Din to ride blurrgs, and as the bounty hunter struggled to do so the Ugnaught referenced the monsters, saying: “You are Mandalorian! Your ancestors rode the great Mythosaur.”

The Mythosaur was also referenced in The Book of Boba Fett, with The Armorer singing a song that describes the rise of the Mythosaur heralding a new age of Mandalore. This suggests that the Mythosaurs appearance in The Mandalorian Season 3 will lead to the Mandalorians finally coming together and reclaiming Mandalore.

Elsewhere in Season 3 Episode 2, R5-D4 was reintroduced, an astromech droid with a surprising Star Wars history.

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