You Season 4 Part 2 spoilers real eat the rich killer Netflix
Image: Courtesy of Netflix

You Season 4 Part 2 Spoilers: Who Is the Real ‘Eat the Rich’ Killer?

You Season 4 spoilers are everywhere, as the latest batch of episodes in Part 2 have revealed who the real “Eat the Rich” Killer is, following a fake-out reveal during the first part of the fourth season. While audiences thought the serial killer had been unmasked in You Season 4, Part 1, this was all misdirection. So, who is the real “Eat the Rich” Killer in You Season 4, Part 2 on Netflix?

Who is the real “Eat the Rich” Killer in You Season 4?

Joe Goldberg is the “Eat the Rich” Killer in You Season 4. While Rhys Montrose was revealed as the killer in Part 1 of the fourth season, Part 2 showed that this was simply a delusion of Joe’s and that he instead was responsible for the murders of some of London’s elite.

You Season 4 Part 2 spoilers real eat the rich killer Netflix
Image: Courtesy of Netflix

Upon arriving in London, Joe discovered Rhys’ work and history. He found a fascination with the future Mayor of London and began stalking him, even collecting little mementos of their shared time together, albeit without Rhys’ knowledge, in a small cardboard box. Joe had so much admiration for Rhys, that he wanted to model himself directly after him.

Despite Rhys and Joe never actually sharing a real conversation, tricks of the mind led Joe to believe that the author was directing and instructing him via an anonymous texting app, leading him down another dangerous path of death and destruction. In You Season 4, Part 2, however, it is revealed that this was all built from Joe’s psyche, and his fictional version of Rhys.

In telling himself that he is going to be a better person, Joe hunts down the real Rhys, and kills him while trying to force a confession. Once Rhys has died, it slowly becomes clear to Joe that he instead has been responsible for the “Eat the Rich” murders, and that he is the killer.

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