resident evil 4 remake demo release date

Resident Evil 4 Remake Demo Likely Released Today

The Resident Evil 4 remake demo will likely be released today after the Capcom Spotlight event, it has been revealed. Many users are reportedly receiving an ad for the upcoming game demo, suggesting that it will make its way to online storefronts after the event.

Why the Resident Evil 4 remake demo release date could be today

The Capcom Spotlight event is set to take place later today at 2.30 PM PT/5.30 PM ET, and it’s believed that the Resident Evil 4 remake demo will be announced and released after the show.

This belief is due to ads appearing on Twitch, with it concluding with the message “Demo Available Now.” These ads have seemingly been accidentally pushed live ahead of the demo’s release, given that it currently isn’t available to download on digital storefronts.

An image of the ad was posted to Twitter:

The Capcom Spotlight event will last for approximately 26 minutes, according to the publisher, and will include information about its current 2023 lineup, including Resident Evil 4 and Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection.

It will also reportedly feature release dates for both Exoprimal and Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak, both of which allegedly leaked before the event.

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