fortnite triarch nox skin how to unlock

Fortnite Triarch Nox Skin: How To Unlock

The new Fortnite Triarch Nox skin, codenamed “Titanium,” is part of Chapter 4, Season 2. Players who have downloaded the latest update are wondering how to unlock this ominous skin. Here’s everything we know about the Triarch Nox skin.

How to get the Fortnite Triarch Nox skin

The Triarch Nox skin is not included in Fortnite’s Chapter 4 Season 2 Battle Pass. Players will either need to buy it from the Item Shop or wait for a later Battle Pass to acquire it.

Triarch Nox isn’t just a skin. Thanks to datamined information from Twitter user @iFireMonkey, this will also be the name of an upcoming NPC. Little information is known about this NPC yet, except some vague lore.

Despite being datamined alongside content released in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 2, this update may not include the Triarch Nox skin. One of the leaked images shows the skin in the item shop with a placeholder thumbnail image, indicating it may not be ready for release.

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However, there’s still plenty to occupy you in Chapter 4 Season 2. If you’re a newcomer to the game, you’ll want to explore the new Starter Pack, while veteran players will have to brush up on all the map changes to secure victory.

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