Image: LG

LG Reveals 40% Discount on 65-Inch OLED TV Ideal For PS5 and Xbox

An LG OLED TV has made its way to Amazon for 44% off its asking price — now being sold for $1,396 compared to its RRP of $2,499.99. The 120Hz, 4K Smart TV is ideally suited to gaming on the PS5 and Xbox Series X/S, but is only available while stocks last.

Get the LG OLED 65-inch TV deal for 44% off

Image: LG

The LG OLED C1 Series is available to purchase from Amazon right here. The deal is only available on the 65-inch model, though the TV is also available in sizes up to 83 inches.

The TV is impressive, boasting an a9 Gen 4 AI Processor engineered exclusively for LG, and the company’s Game Optimizer that dramatically improves the visuals and performance of your PS5, Xbox, and Switch games. Game Optimizer uses Nvidia G-Sync for gameplay without screen tearing, while the OLED screen’s deep black and rich colors help make those games pop.

On top of gaming, the TV is also great for regular use — Dolby Vision IQ and Dolby Atmos up the visual and audio quality, while a Filmmaker Mode allows you to watch movies as the director would want you to see them. And, of course, it comes packed with Smart TV features, and its Magic Remote Control is one of the most intuitive on the market.

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