New Fortnite Havoc Pump Shotgun

New Fortnite Havoc Pump Shotgun Can One-shot Kill

With a new Fortnite update comes new weapons, one of which is the Mythic Havoc Pump Shotgun, which can one-kill players. This sure does shift the meta for Chapter 4 Season 2.

Fortnite Mythic Havoc Pump Shotgun kills in a single shot

The Mythic variant of the Havoc Pump Shotgun is able to kill in one shot, dataminer @HYPEX has confirmed. Looking at the damage numbers, it can deal 250 max damage, meaning it can take a player in a single shot.

Naturally, news of a new powerful weapon has left some commenters worried. However, actually acquiring the Mythic variant may not be so easy, so players shouldn’t expect to see it too often during a match.

It’s worth noting that other variants of the Havoc Pump don’t deal quite so much damage. For example, the gold version only kicks out a maximum of 190 damage, meaning it would two shots to kill.

At the time of writing, the new season has just started, meaning it’s still up in the air as to whether this new pump shotgun is overpowered or not. Time will tell!

Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 2 has an epic new skin that players want to unlock. Oh, and a bunch of weapons have been removed from the game and locked away in the vault.

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