Zack Snyder teases new DC project Darkseid Twitter April save the date
Image: Mike Coppola/Getty Images

Zack Snyder Teases Darkseid ‘Full Circle’ DC Project for April

Zack Snyder has warned fans to save the date after posting an “incoming transmission” from DC Comics villain Lord Darkseid to his Twitter account, teasing a new project for April 28-30, 2023. The message broadcast to his followers is simple: “April 28th, 29th, and 30th, save the date.”

Zack Snyder fans think new DC project could be the return of SnyderCon

Fans immediately started to speculate about what the video announcement could be teasing, with many assuming it may mark the return of SnyderCon, an event which has previously played host to the director’s cut version of many of the filmmaker’s movies, and raised money for charity in the process.

SnyderCon 2 had previously been scheduled to go ahead in 2021, and then in 2022, but the COVID-19 pandemic and rise of positive cases across those two years meant that it was postponed indefinitely.

Others believe that the three days could mark the released of a limited comic book series, on which Snyder will have worked. There are even some who think that the “full circle” hashtag used as part of the tease, means that Snyder is being brought back into the DC filmmaking fold. That’s a little harder to imagine, however, as James Gunn recently unveiled his DC slate, taking the DC Universe in an entirely new direction.

Exactly what the tease is for remains to be seen, but we’re sure to get more details in the run-up to April 28-30.

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