shazam 2 fury of the gods post-credits scene spoilers the justice society of america
Image: Courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures

Shazam 2 Fury of the Gods Post-Credits Scene Spoilers: Is Shazam Joining the Justice Society of America?

Now that the DC sequel Shazam Fury of the Gods, also known as Shazam 2 has flown into movie theaters worldwide, fans are keen to find out whatever they can about the film’s mid-credits and post-credits scenes, and there is one topic in particular that has everybody talking: the Justice Society of America. What does the group mean for the future of the DC Universe now that James Gunn and Peter Safran are in charge, and will Shazam be joining them?

Will Shazam join the Justice Society of America, or the Justice League?

Shazam looks likely to join the Justice Society of America, following the mid-credits scene in Fury of the Gods. While the hero doesn’t explicitly say “yes” to joining the group following his disappointment that it isn’t the Justice League, it becomes clear that he will be sticking around in the DC Universe’s future.

What happens in the Shazam 2 Fury of the Gods mid-credits scene?

shazam 2 fury of the gods post-credits scene spoilers the justice society of america
Image: Courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures

The Shazam 2 mid-credits scene opens by reintroducing Jennifer Holland and Steve Agee in the roles of Emilia Harcourt and John Economos respectively. As agents for A.R.G.U.S. who have appeared in the Peacemaker HBO Max series, they’re now on the hunt for recruits, and Shazam could be their man, despite being a “little immature,” in Emilia’s words.

The Justice Society was deployed by Amanda Waller in Black Adam, but now that Black Adam 2 has been canceled, it is unlikely that the team members will return. Gunn’s plans for the DCU did not seem to involve them, so with this tease of a new Justice Society of America, it might instead be centered around Shazam.

What happens in the Shazam 2 Fury of the Gods post-credits scene?

Shazam 2 Fury of the Gods ends with a post-credits scene that sees the return of Dr. Sivana, played by Mark Strong, and the talking worm Mister Mind, who has plans to form a Monster Society of Evil. While it looks as though the two are close to securing their next step, Mister Mind wriggles away. This might be the final time we see the two, used instead to close out a loose thread rather than to tease anything significant for the DC Universe’s future.

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