Lance Reddick Dead
Source: Getty Images/Rich Polk

Destiny, Horizon Actor Lance Reddick Dead at 60

Actor Lance Reddick, who voiced Sylens in the Horizon series and Commander Zavala in Destiny, has died at 60, TMZ reported on Friday, March 17. He passed away due to natural causes at his home in Studio City, Los Angeles, according to law enforcement sources.

Reddick’s prolific career includes The Wire and John Wick

Reddick is known for his role as Cedric Daniels on The Wire and Charon in the John Wick movie series. He recently played Albert Wesker in the Netflix series Resident Evil and was the voice actor for Thordak in season two of Critical Role’s The Legend of Vox Machina on Amazon.

Sylens, who Reddick voices in both Horizon games by Guerrilla Games, could appear in the upcoming Burning Shores DLC for Horizon Forbidden West. In September 2022, Reddick had teased in a tweet that he had a voice-acting session for the game, suggesting that Sylens would be in future content.

The actor is also set to appear as the Greek god Zeus in The Percy Jackson and the Olympians series on Disney Plus, and the hotel manager Charon in John Wick: Chapter 4 which releases on March 24, 2023. He is also the voice actor for Hellboy in the upcoming game Hellboy: Web of Wyrd.

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