diablo 4 bricking graphics cards fix

Diablo 4 Bricking GPU Fix: How To Prevent and Avoid on PC

Diablo 4‘s beta had unexpected consequences, as some players found that playing the game bricked their graphics card or GPU. If you’re eagerly awaiting the open beta, here’s everything we know about this issue so you can avoid it happening on PC.

What graphics cards are bricked by Diablo 4?

Immediately after the Diablo 4 beta kicked off on March 17, a Reddit user posted about how their NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti graphics card was bricked after just 20 minutes of gameplay. This was followed by numerous posts on Reddit and the Diablo 4 forums reporting the same error.

Only users with Nvidia GeForce RTX 30 series graphics cards encounter this problem. While some users have reported no issues with these cards, if you own a GeForce RTX 30 series card, you’ll want to reduce the risk of catastrophic failure. Here’s how.

How to prevent Diablo 4 from bricking your GPU

There isn’t an official fix yet, but users noted that uncapped framerates seem to be the source of the problem. But you’ll need to cap the framerates on your graphics card, not in-game. Here’s how to cap the framerate on an NVIDIA graphics card.

  1. Right-click on your desktop and open NVIDIA Control Panel.
  2. Click Manage 3D Settings.
  3. Scroll down to Max Frame Rate.
  4. Select ON and choose a framerate cap.
  5. Click Apply.
  6. Restart your computer.

We can’t guarantee this will work until we get an official fix. However, it will reduce the risk if you’re keen to play Diablo 4’s open beta. Excited about the full release of Diablo 4? Here’s everything we know about its upcoming battle pass.

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