John Wick 5 release date rumors cast predictions ballerina spinoff
Image: Lionsgate

Will There Be a John Wick 5? Release Date Rumors, Cast Predictions, and Ballerina Spinoff

With the fourth John Wick movie taking to theaters across the globe, fans are now wondering whether or not there will be a John Wick 5, along with having questions about its potential release date, any rumors or cast predictions, and where the Ballerina spinoff fits into everything. Here is what we know about the potential sequel so far.

Will there be a John Wick 5?

John Wick 5 has not yet been officially confirmed, but all signs point towards it being given the greenlight at some point in the near future. Originally, the movie was was supposed to film back-to-back with John Wick 4, but that idea was dropped so that a laser focus could be given to each feature, rather than spreading the creative juices too thinly (via ComicBook).

John Wick 5 release date rumors cast predictions ballerina spinoff
Image: Lionsgate

While lead actor Keanu Reeves told Total Film (via GamesRadar) that “we have to wait and see how the audience responds” to John Wick: Chapter 4 before committing to a fifth outing, box office predictions suggest it’s already a major success. It seems like just a matter of time.

John Wick 5 cast and predictions

As John Wick 5 has not yet been confirmed, there are also no official cast members attached to the project. What we can assume is that Keanu Reeves would return to the titular role, and we may also see Ana de Armas back in her mysterious role following the release of the spinoff movie Ballerina.

Following the tragic passing of Lance Reddick, it is unlikely that the actor will appear in a fifth John Wick movie posthumously, unless there is enough footage on the cutting room floor to make something worthwhile, and in tribute to the star.

What is the Ballerina John Wick spinoff movie?

Ballerina follows the story of a young female assassin who is seeking vengeance and the ultimate revenge against the people who killed her family. It will star a number of John Wick characters, including Wick himself, alongside Ana de Armas as the titular Ballerina, Ian McShane as the Continental Hotel owner Winston Scott, and Anjelica Huston reprising her role as The Director. Lance Reddick is also thought to have filmed scenes before his untimely passing, which means Charon will also make an appearance.

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