is there a dungeons and dragons movie end credit scene post credits mid credits
Image: Aidan Monaghan/© 2023 Par. Pics. TM Hasbro.

Is There a Dungeons and Dragons Movie End Credit Scene?

With Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves soon set to hit movie theaters across the world, fans of the D&D franchise are wondering if the Dungeons and Dragons movie has an end credit scene. Here’s what we know about any additional scenes during the credits for Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves, including the mid-credits and post-credits.

Is there an end-credits scene in the Dungeons and Dragons movie Honor Among Thieves?

Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves does not have an end-credits scene. Once the credits have finished rolling, the movie theater lights simply come up, signaling that the film really has come to an end. The lack of a post-credits scene might surprise some people, as they have become a staple of many big movie releases thanks to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Is there a mid-credits scene in Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves?

Yes, there is a mid-credits scene in Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves. Note that we will be discussing spoilers for the mid-credits scene in the Dungeons and Dragons movie below.

is there a dungeons and dragons movie end credit scene post credits mid credits
Image: Aidan Monaghan/© 2023 Par. Pics. TM Hasbro.

The mid-credits scene doesn’t set up a sequel, or lay the foundations for the future of the franchise in the cinematic space. Instead, it serves as a final moment to get a laugh out of the audience, leaving you on a high following the 135-minute epic feature film you’ve just watched.

In the mid-credits scene there is a throwback to the earlier events of the movie, which we won’t discuss in too much detail. Basically, there’s a reanimated corpse, who can only rest once he has been asked a question. However, he is alone, and seemingly forever waiting for that question to come. It’s a funny scene, but not one that is essential to the overall enjoyment of the movie.

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