adin ross pronouns kill them trans

Adin Ross Says His Pronouns Are ‘Kill/Them’ in Stream Rant

Adin Ross was watching a video about pronouns while livestreaming, and suddenly claimed his pronouns were “kill/them” after seemingly getting riled up by its content. This comes after the controversial streamer, who has been permanently banned from Twitch, sent out a tweet earlier this year saying that “there are only two genders.”

Ross’ stream, which takes place on Kick, included a moment where he reacted to popular streamer Destiny watching a TikTok video on pronouns, with title anchor charts included for reference. He called the video’s explanation “so cringe,” before pausing it entirely, and lashing out at “all you guys who get to pick your pronouns,” saying that they were “making the world a shitty place.”

You can see the moment for yourself in the video below:


Adin Ross continues to joke about “killing” following HasanAbi fan drama

This isn’t the first time that Ross has pointed his audience towards “killing,” as he was in trouble earlier this month (March 2023) after joking with a fan, telling them he would gift them $20,000 if they slit their brother’s throat, who was a HasanAbi supporter. Ross also recently sent Hasan a picture of a tangled shoelace, fashioned to look like a noose, and asked him if he could “teach me how to tie” the knot.

In February 2023, Ross was believed to have told Jake Lucky to “KYS” after the latter criticized him for streaming NSFW content. Other streamers such as xQc have spoken out about the “unhealthy rabbit hole” they believe Ross is going down. “I think he’s trying really hard to emulate the things that are happening to [Andrew] Tate, and what Tate is doing,” he explained. “I don’t think he truly wants it, but I don’t think he gets it.”

Ross and Tate’s friendship is one that the streamer opened up about at the start of 2023, even revealing plans to visit Tate while he is in Romanian custody. Despite this, the visit doesn’t yet seem to have happened. Tate is accused of sexual assault and exploitation, and is currently being held in police detention alongside his brother Tristan, after failing in their latest bid for bail.

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