amazon fire tv deal

This 4K Amazon Fire TV Is Now Only $240 With New Deal

The Amazon Fire TV 4K 4-Series TV is now up to 38% off in a new sale, making prices for the model run as low as $240.

This bargain has reduced the price of the 43, 50, and 55-inch models of the Amazon Fire TV, making each super affordable no matter the size you’re looking for.

Get the Amazon Fire TV deal right here

The Amazon Fire TV discount can be found via Amazon right here:

The Amazon Fire TV displays in a 4K Ultra HD resolution supporting HDR 10, delivering a clear and bright picture compared to lower resolution TVs. It also boasts a Fire TV Alexa voice remote, which allows you to handily search through your most frequented apps, films, and shows, along with checking the weather and sports scores using the AI assistant.

It comes with all of those apps built-in, too, with the likes of Netflix, Prime Video, and Disney Plus available at the touch of a button, while its three HDMI inputs let you hook up your PS5 or Xbox Series X along with satellite TV.

At this price point, the Amazon Fire TV is an absolute steal, so if you’re in the market for a new Smart TV you’ll want to hurry before the deal is over.

For more deals, check out this discount on an LG TV.

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