moana live action remake cast

Moana Live-Action Remake Cast: Will Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson and Auliʻi Cravalho Return?

The Moana live-action remake has been announced, and as such fans of the Disney musical have already started speculating who will be in its cast. Will Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson reprise his role as Maui after announcing the upcoming film? And will Auli’I Cravalho go from voice actress to big-screen actress with her role as Moana? Here’s what you need to know.

Who is in the Moana live-action remake cast?

The Moana live-action remake has yet to be officially announced, though it seems that Dwayne Johnson will be reprising his role as Maui given that he was the one to deliver the remake announcement. As such, it could be that more of the original cast make their way into the movie, which would include the following:

  • Auli’l Cravalho – Moana
  • Maui – Dwayne Johnson
  • Tala – Rachel House
  • Tui – Temuera Morrison
  • Tamatoa – Jemaine Clement
  • Sina – Nicole Scherzinger
  • Heihei – Alan Tudyk

Is Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson in the Moana live-action cast?

The Rock stopped short of revealing that he would be in the Moana live-action remake, though it seems more than likely that Dwayne Johnson will once again be Maui. Given that he was at the front and center of the remake’s reveal, we can hazard a guess that he’ll be involved in the film.

Is the Moana voice actress Auli’I Cravalho in the live-action remake cast?

Auli’I Cravalho is a notable voice actress, though she has had less experience as a physical actor, which makes her less of a certainty to return as Moana. She is most recently known for her role in The Power, a British sci-fi series in which she starred alongside Toni Collete.

With that being said, Disney didn’t exactly cast a well-known actor for Ariel in its The Little Mermaid live-action remake, as Halle Bailey was given the role after only a small selection of starring roles.

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