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[Image Credit: Apple]

Where to Watch Ghosted Movie: Is It Coming to Netflix, Prime Video, or YouTube?

The upcoming Ghosted movie is slated to release on April 21, 2023 on Apple TV Plus, so fans are wondering whether it will be coming to other streaming services. The film will star Chris Evans as Cole and Ana de Armas as Sadie, who seemingly ghosts Cole after a single date. Cole then travels to London to see her, only to discover that she is a highly skilled CIA agent that goes around the world complete dangerous missions. Here is whether Ghosted will be available on Prime Video, Netflix, and YouTube.

Is the Ghosted movie available on Netflix, Prime Video, and YouTube?

The Ghosted movie will not be available on Netflix, Prime Video, and YouTube as it is an Apple original movie.

There may be a chance that it may appear in select theaters for a limited run, similar to other Apple movies such as Tetris and Sharper, but the release date for a theatric release for Ghosted hasn’t been announced.

The role of Sadie was originally cast for Scarlett Johnson, but due to scheduling conflicts, she was replaced by Ana de Armas. Chris Evans and Ana de Armas have appeared in other movies together such as Knives Out and The Gray Man, so this will be a reunion for the two actors.

The cast for Ghosted will also include Amy Sedaris, Tate Donovan, Mike Moh, and Adrien Brody.

For more guides, here is whether Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson will appear in the Moana live-action remake cast and the streaming release date of the Super Mario Bros. movie.

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