dead island 2 crossplay

Dead Island 2 Crossplay: Can PC Players Join PS5, PS4, and Xbox?

Dead Island 2 crossplay might seem like a no-brainer given its cooperative nature, but it’s dangerous to assume. Here’s the need-to-know info on Dead Island 2 crossplay support and whether or not PC players can join PS5, PS4, and Xbox users, and vice versa.

Does Dead Island 2 have crossplay?

No, Dead Island 2 does not have crossplay.

Developer Dambuster Studios confirmed that the new Dead Island game doesn’t support crossplay. The lack of cross-play was revealed in a Twitter response:

dead island 2 crossplay

The short tweet confirmed that Dead Island 2 will not support crossplay. However, no explanation was offered as to why exactly the feature is missing.

With crossplay popping up in more and more co-op games, Dead Island 2 players may be surprised to learn that they can’t join up with friends on other systems. Those on PS5 and PS4 will be limited to playing with one another, as will those on Xbox systems. As for PC players, they’ll be stuck playing with other PC users.

It’s worth mentioning that crossplay has made its way into other games post-launch, so there’s always a chance that Dead Island 2 could eventually get it. For launch, however, players will be stuck without crossplay.

For more Dead Island 2 guides, here’s the definitive answer to whether or not the game is coming to Xbox Game Pass. And for those wondering if it was Jack Black’s voice in the trailer, here’s that mystery solved.

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