Creatures Inc Pokemon Studio
[Image Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures]

Pokemon Studio CEO and VP Step Down in Creatures Inc. Management Shakeup

The Pokemon studio Creatures Inc. has had a sudden change of leadership. Creatures Inc. is a Japanese video game company that is affiliated with Nintendo, GameFreak, and The Pokemon Company. Both the company’s CEO Tsunekazu Ishihara and president Hirokazu Tanaka have been swapped out.

The Pokemon Company looks to be unaffected by these changes

As noted by Serebii owner Joe Merrick through a tweet, the new president and CEO of Creatures Inc. will be Yuji Kitano, while the executive vice president will be Tomotaka Komaru.

Fortunately, these changes will not impact The Pokemon Company much. Ishihara, who fans may recognize as the public face for many Pokemon Presents live streams, will remain the CEO and President of The Pokemon Company. As such, this could mean that he is focusing on his role at one studio instead of being the CEO of multiple ones.

Creatures Inc. is still working on a sequel to the 3DS Detective Pikachu game, according to the studio’s official website despite it not having an update in quite a long time. It is also responsible for creating in-game models for Pokemon games like Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

The upcoming game Pokemon Sleep has received a release date window and a few gameplay details, and Pokemon could be getting into NFTs and blockchain technology.

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