Oshi no Ko Episode 2 release date time HIDIVE

Oshi no Ko Episode 2 Release Date and Time on HIDIVE

The spring anime season is under way, and fans are wondering exactly what the Oshi no Ko episode 2 release date and time on HIDIVE will be. Adapted from the manga of the same name, written by Aka Akasaka and illustrated by Mengo Yokoyari, the series starts with a feature-length 90-minute episode. Here’s what we know about when Oshi no Ko episode 2 is coming out.

What is the release date and time for Oshi no Ko episode 2?

Oshi no Ko episode 2 will be released on HIDIVE on Wednesday, April 19, 2023 at 8 AM PT / 11 AM ET / 4 PM GMT.

When a doctor is murdered by the stalker of one of his patients the night before he has agreed to deliver her baby in secret, he is reborn as that very same patient’s child. Now growing up as Aquamarine, his sole purpose is to help his popstar mother reach the height of stardom.

Rie Takahashi takes on voice acting duties as the superstar Ai Hoshino, with Yumi Uchiyama, Kento Ito, and Takeo Otsuka all voicing her son, Aquamarine, at various stages in her life.

For other anime guides, you can see the I Got A Cheat Skill in Another World Episode 3 release date and time, and the Gundam Witch From Mercury Season 2, Episode 2 release date and time.

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