samsung odyssey g9 deal discount

Get $200 off the Samsung Odyssey G9 Ultrawide Gaming Monitor

The Samsung Odyssey G9 is now available for $1,199.99, with a new Amazon deal providing $200 off the 49-inch gaming monitor — a must-have purchase for gamers looking to supersize their gaming setup.

Originally priced at $1,399.99, this new deal is a significant price cut for those in the market for an ultrawide monitor — arguably the best way to experience games with an emphasis on their graphics, such as Red Dead Redemption 2 and Cyberpunk 2077.

Get the Samsung Odyssey G9 discount here

You can buy the Samsung Odyssey G9 for $200 off via Amazon right here.

The Odyssey G9 is curved to match the human eye, ensuring immersion along with minimal eye strain during those long gaming sessions.

One of its standout features is its QLED technology, which provides deep blacks and vivid colors. Its Quantum Dot technology also provides 125% more color space compared to sRGB.

The monitor boasts NVIDIA G-SYNC and AMD FreeSync Premium Pro support, ensuring no frame drops or tears. It also has a dual QHD display, providing a detailed image that will be a huge boost to the latest releases. You’ll also benefit from a high-speed 240hz refresh rate, which will be a game-changer for competitive games such as Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Overwatch 2.

The deal is limited-time only, so grab it while it lasts!

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