BlackCell Battle Pass Worth Buying

Is the MW2 and Warzone 2 BlackCell Battle Pass Worth Buying?

The Call of Duty: MW2 and Warzone 2 BlackCell Battle Pass is making its debut next season, offering players the chance to unlock additional cosmetic content by investing $30 (CoD Points can’t be used). That is a significant price bump over the standard season pass, so players are understandably wondering if the value is there. Here’s a breakdown of what’s included and the verdict on whether or not the BlackCell Battle Pass is worth it.

Is the BlackCell Battle Pass Worth $30?

The BlackCell Battle Pass offers value by including the Season 3 Battle Pass, a 1,100 CoD Points instant reward, and 1,400 more CoD Points earnable through progression. Those perks alone are worth $30. Players then get additional content.

In addition to the Battle Pass and CoD Points, which make up the $30 value, the BlackCell Battle Pass also awards Tier Skips, a new exclusive Operator with skin, a weapon blueprint, vehicle skin, finishing move, and BlackCell-exclusive Battle Pass content.

Should you buy the BlackCell Battle Pass?

Those who were going to buy the standard Battle Pass in addition to CoD Points should consider the BlackCell Battle Pass as its $30 price could result in a decent saving for passionate players who invest a lot of time and money into MW2 and/or Warzone 2.

However, for those who don’t really care for skins or additional Battle Pass sectors, there’s no real reason for you to drop $30 on this. You can’t use CoD Points, it costs almost half the price of the full MW2 game, and it doesn’t impact gameplay in any meaningful way. You can steer clear with no regrets.

For more Call of Duty guides, here’s the easiest way to get a nuke in Warzone 2. And here’s why Trios is missing from Warzone.

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