TikTok 1087 Meaning

TikTok ‘1087’ Meaning: What Does the Trending Number Mean?

The TikTok “1087” meaning can be confusing to work out, as some creators guard it closely. However, for those desperate to know what the “1087” stands for and what the true meaning is, this guide will spell it out for you. Here’s what the trending TikTok “1087” number means.

What does “1087” mean on TikTok?

“1087” on TikTok means “I miss the old us.”

The code 1087 is commonly included in videos where a person is thinking back to past relationships. Often they will be remembering the good times with an ex and post a nostalgic video with the code text “1087.”

A popular video by @jennie_kim979 includes “1087” in a list of commonly used codes:

Those wanting to contribute to the 1087 trend simply need to make a sentimental video and include “1087” as a captain and hashtag.

The reason for writing a code number instead of the full words is to keep the true meaning hidden from the general audience who isn’t “in the know.” The additional step of having to recognize the code makes the true meaning a little more private.

For more TikTok guides, here’s how to do the old age filter trend. And here’s how to fix TikTok comments not showing on Lives and in videos.

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