Warzone 2 Season 3 End Date

MW2 and Warzone 2 Season 3 End Date and Time

The MW2 and Warzone 2 season 3 end date and time is well worth knowing for anyone determined to complete the Battle Pass and/or hit their target level. Not keeping track of the fast-moving season can result in incomplete Battle Passes and a rush to complete as many sectors as possible. Get up to speed now or potentially suffer later. Here’s when Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2 season 3 ends.

When do MW2 and Warzone 2 Season 3 end?

The MW2 and Warzone 2 season 3 end date is June 14. The end time is 12 PM ET / 9 AM PT / 5 PM GMT.

Players have until the end of June 14 to complete the Battle Pass and level up as far as possible. Once June 14 ends, season 3 will end and preparations will begin for (the not-yet-announced) season 4. When that happens, a new Battle Pass will become available and rankings will reset.

At 63 days long, season 3 is substantially longer than the previous season. Hopefully that provides players with enough time to complete the Battle Pass and rank up to their desired level.

For more Call of Duty guides, here’s the current sniper meta for season 3. And here’s the verdict on whether or not the BlackCell Battle Pass is worth buying.

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