mw2 warzone 2 4/20 skins bundles bong rip finishing move modern warfare 2 call of duty
Image: Activision

MW2 and Warzone 2 4/20 Skins and Bundles: Is There a Bong Rip Finishing Move?

Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2 players are wondering if there will be 4/20 skins and bundles available in 2023, and if a rumored “Bong Rip” finishing move will be among the pack. While skins will likely be revealed next week, here’s what has gamers talking ahead of April 20.

Are there Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2 skins and bundles for 4/20?

No official announcement has yet been made in regards to 4/20-themed skins and bundles coming to MW2 and Warzone 2. Call of Duty developers have in the past celebrated 4/20 with a number of in-game items, however.

In 2021, a “Stoner’s Delight” bundle dropped in Black Ops Cold War and Warzone. It included a skin for the Assault Rifle Golf and the Light Machine Gun Alpha, as well as stickers, an animated emblem, calling card, wristwatch, vehicle accessories, and a weapon charm.

Then a year later, Snoop Dogg was added to the game as an operator, complete with a sniper called the “Bong Ripper.” He came complete with a “West Coast Bling” assault rifle, and “Tha Shiznit” 10-attachment Blueprint, as well as a weapon charm, emblem, spray, and “Finishizzle Movizzle.”

Is there a “Bong Rip” finishing move in MW2?

A video recently hit the internet which appeared to show a locked finishing move called “Bong Rip” in Modern Warfare 2. The validity of the clip has not been determined, but if it is accurate, the novelty finisher will likely land in-game to celebrate 4/20.

For more Modern Warfare 2 guides, check out when the Modern Warfare 2 Raid Episode 3 release date is, and find out what is the new MW2 level cap.

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