MW2 Warzone 2 Double XP Weekend 2XP

MW2 and Warzone 2 Double XP Weekend April 2023

The MW2 and Warzone 2 Double XP Weekend release date and time for April 2023 has been revealed by Infinity Ward. With Season 3 for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 starting this week, this 2XP weekend is a great opportunity for players to gain twice the experience points to grind through the Battle Pass at a fast pace. The last double XP weekend was early this month and the next one is coming very soon.

When is the next MW2 and Warzone 2 Double XP Weekend?

The next MW2 and Warzone 2 Double XP Weekend will begin on April 21 at 10 AM PT and end on April 24 at 10 AM PT for all platforms except for PS5 and PS4.

For PS5 and PS4 consoles, the 2XP weekend will start one day earlier on April 20 at 10 AM PT. These release dates and times have been confirmed by Infinity Ward’s official Trello board.

It’s a bit of a surprise that this 2XP weekend comes just three weeks after the last one, but we suppose Activision, Infinity Ward, and Raven Software want to celebrate the start of Season 3 sooner than later. As usual, this Double XP Weekend will grant additional experience points for both weapons and the Battle Pass.

For more guides on MW2 and Warzone 2, here is the start date and time for Season 3 Reloaded and the release date of Raid Episode 3?

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