Pokemon Scarlet Violet DLC Baby Terapagos

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet DLC Looks Like a Baby Legendary Terapagos

Nintendo of America has revealed a new image for the upcoming Pokemon Scarlet and Violet DLC that looks like a baby version of the Legendary Pokemon Terapagos. The description of this adorable Pokemon is rather mysterious, and it has appeared in the Pokemon Horizons anime. But we still don’t know the name of this sparkly turtle, despite it being clear that it will be included in The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero DLC.

Clues on what this new Pokemon might be

According to the above tweet from Nintendo of America, this new Pokemon has “a splendid aura [that] is reminiscent of the Legendary Pokemon Terapagos.” However, its “true name” remains a mystery.

As to what this might be, we do have some clues. It does look like a baby turtle, and some screenshots of the unnamed Pokemon in the Pokemon Horizons anime reveal a background made up of hexagons. That very close to the large shell of Terapagos, which is made up of eighteen irregular pentagons with a different type-icon in the middle of each one. So the idea that this is baby Terapagos probably isn’t far off the mark.

The Pokemon Company provides a further description of this cute Pokemon, revealing that it can crystallize energy from its body to make a protective shield. It can also retract into its shell defensively, making itself look like a jewel.

Terapagos will arrive alongside four other Pokemon coming in the new expansion, including Fezandipiti, Okidogi, Munkidori, and Ogerpon.

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