Demon Slayer Season 3 Episode 3 Release Date and Time Crunchyroll
Source: Crunchyroll

Demon Slayer Season 3 Episode 3 Release Date and Time on Crunchyroll

Here’s the Demon Slayer Season 3 Episode 3 release date and time on Crunchyroll. We’re still at the beginning of the Swordsmith Village Arc, and things are starting to heat up. So, if you want to find out the story behind the sword Tanjiro found in the Yoriichi Type Zero, read below to find out the Kimetsu no Yaiba episode 47 release date and time.

When Does Demon Slayer Season 3 Episode 3 come out on Crunchyroll?

You can watch Demon Slayer Season 3 Episode 3 on April 23, 2023, on Crunchyroll. Here’s the release time around the world:

  • 10:45 am PDT
  • 1:45 pm EDT
  • 6:45 pm BST
  • 7:45 pm CEST
  • 2:45 am JST 4/28
  • 3:45 am AET 4/28

Note that sometimes it takes the episode a bit to appear after its designated release time. So, if it isn’t up when you load the page, keep refreshing periodically until it appears.

On the last episode of Demon Slayer, while eavesdropping, Tanjiro sees Muichiro threaten the swordsmith he was arguing with. He tries to defend him, but Hashira knocks him out. After waking up, Kotetsu says the “figure” he saw in episode one is an advanced mechanical training doll modeled after a swordsman from over 300 years ago. The swordsmith boy explains that since he has no family, he intends to pass on the doll made by his ancestors.

Tanjiro agrees to protect it, but Muichiro appears after his training session and causes extensive damage. After Kotetsu discovers it is still working, he tells Tanjiro to train with it to beat Muichiro. The training is grueling as the inexperienced Kotetsu deprives Tanjiro of food and water when he fails to hit the doll. Finally, Tanjiro faints from exhaustion and sees a strange stone in the Sanzu River, allowing him to detect a scent faster than the Opening Thread.

This scent allows him to sense his enemy’s intentions and adjust his fighting to counter them. Using this to his advantage, he strikes the doll’s head, shattering it and revealing a sword inside.

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