Nintendo Indie World Showcase Start Date Time

Nintendo Indie World Showcase Start Date and Time Announced

A new Nintendo Indie World Showcase has been revealed, and the start date and time will be tomorrow, April 19. The full showcase will show more or less 20 minutes of reveals, announcements, and updates on indie Nintendo Switch games that have been simmering for a while. Nintendo had an Indies event at GDC 2023, so some of the indie games that they showed in March could be given a spot in this showcase. The last game-focused Nintendo Direct was in February 2023.

Nintendo Indie World Showcase air date and time

The Nintendo Indie World Showcase is slated to air on April 19, 2023 at 9 AM PT / 12 PM ET.

You can stream the presentation on the official Nintendo of America YouTube.

Don’t worry if you miss the live showcase, though. Nintendo regularly posts the full presentation on the channel as well as each game trailer and announcement separately, so you can view this event at your leisure.

Some games that could be shown are the narrative cooking game Venba, the wrestling RPG WrestleQuest, the farming sim Fae Farm, the meditative mermaid adventure Naiad, and the revamped Risk of Rain Returns. The Indie World Twitter has also featured in the past few weeks The Mageseeker: A League of Legends Story, an action RPG that goes through the storyline for the popular character Sylas.

Upcoming Releases

The much-loved zombie saga is back with a unique formula of horror, dark humor and over the top zombie-slaying, spanning an epic pulp adventure. Dead Island 2 is thrilling First-Person Action RPG, stylish, vibrant and flooded with zombie infection. Explore iconic, gore-drenched Los Angeles. Meet larger-than-life characters. Slay countless foes in exquisitely bloody detail. And evolve to become the ultimate…
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is the sequel to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. The setting for Link’s adventure has been expanded to include the skies above the vast lands of Hyrule.
Amnesia: The Bunker is a first-person horror game set in a desolate WW1 Bunker. Face the oppressing terrors stalking the dark corridors. Search for and use the tools and weapons at your disposal, while keeping the lights on at all costs. Overcome fear, persevere, and make your way out alive.
Star Trek: Resurgence is an interactive narrative video game that tells an original story in a choice-driven adventure set within the iconic sci-fi universe


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