Will XDefiant beta Progress carry over to the full game

Will XDefiant Beta Progress Carry Over to the Full Game?

Progression in the XDefiant beta won’t carry on to the full game. Unfortunately, for those of you who have devoted time and energy to the beta version, it has been confirmed that all accounts will be wiped, and anything earned during the beta will not transfer to the final game.

Will my XDefiant beta progress transfer to the full release?

In the official XDefiant closed beta FAQ Ubisoft says progression won’t carry over:

“Overall, player and weapon progression from XDefiant’s Closed Beta will not carry over for players at launch.”

However, anything earned from the exclusive rewards track and the Violet weapon Twitch Drops are the exception.

It’s not rare for studios to wipe beta progress. The primary purpose of beta testing is to identify and address any bugs, glitches, or balancing issues that may arise. As a result, developers often make significant changes to gameplay mechanics, character progression, and in-game economy based on feedback received during the testing phase. Carrying over progress from the beta could create inconsistencies and unfair advantages in the game’s final version.

While it may be disappointing to some of you that your hard work in the beta won’t directly translate to the full game, remember that your contributions during this testing phase have played an essential role in refining XDefiant and ensuring a smoother, more enjoyable gaming experience for all players upon its release.

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