Horizon Burning Shores Door Code Heaven and Earth

Horizon Burning Shores Door Code: What’s the Heaven and Earth Code?

You’ll need to find a door code in the Horizon Burning Shores DLC to progress further in the game. During the Heaven and Earth quest, you’ll come across a door that needs a 4-digit combo to open. However, figuring out the code is a bit tough and requires you to delve into the history of Walter Londra and the Far Zeniths.

What’s the Horizon Burning Shores door code?

Horizon Burning Shores Door Code Heaven and Earth Solved

The code for the door in Horizon Burning Shores Heaven and Earth quest is 3285.

To find the code, you need to scan the holographic bodies with Aloy’s Focus. Then, interact with the holographic display and listen to Londra’s voice entries. Each entry gives you a digit to the combo, which is helpfully highlighted in the transcribed text.

  • Asteroid Ophelia – 2050: “Flight No. HMC-3.”
  • Asteroid Juliet – 2054: “Our haul: a massive supply of platinum, at least 2 million tons.”
  • Asteroid Caliban – 2061: “Flight No. HMC-8.”
  • Asteroid Katherina – 2056 “Due to the asteroid’s internal structure and the presence of many high-density ores, projections indicate it could take up to 5 years to strip out all its cobalt.”

Luckily, the door will take the code in Horizon Burning Shores, whether you’ve looked at the logs or not. So, if you’re impatient, you can completely ignore the holograms.

Check out our other guides to find out how long the Burning Shores DLC is, and what exactly happened in the end of Forbidden West.

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