Can You Delete Snapchat My AI

Can You Delete Snapchat My AI From ‘Friends’ and Is It Safe?

Those asking “Can you delete Snapchat My AI from ‘Friends’?” are no doubt frustrated by the bot’s constant presence on both iPhone (iOS) and Android versions of the app. They may also be wondering “Is Snapchat My AI safe?” Here’s the need-to-know info about the Snapchat AI and how you can hide and avoid using it.

How to delete Snapchat My AI

The best way to delete Snapchat My AI is to hide it from view. Users can do the following to limit the AI’s visibility:

  • Unpin the AI chat to remove it from the top of your Friends List.
  • Clear the chat history.
  • Hide the AI chat for 24 hours.

Unfortunately, this is currently the best solution for dealing with the My AI feature. Hopefully Snapchat introduces a way for all users to disable My AI if they don’t want to use it.

Is Snapchat My AI safe to talk to and use?

While Snapchat My AI does appear to be as safe as any other AI chatbot, it’s important to take the following precautions:

  • Don’t provide any personal details of you or anyone you know.
  • Don’t talk about any confidential information.
  • Don’t discuss illegal activities.

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