Unrecord Game Release Date

Unrecord Game Release Date: When Is It Releasing on PC (Steam)?

Following an exciting reveal trailer, players are excited to know the Unrecord game release date. With the game coming to PC through Steam, it’s surely only a matter of time before players can enjoy the hyper-realistic first-person shooter, right? Here’s the need-to-know info about an Unrecord release date.

When is the Unrecord game release date?

The Unrecord game release date is expected to be sometime between 2024-2026.

While previous reports claimed that it would be launching on July 20, 2023, developer DRAMA has confirmed that Unrecord “does not yet have a release date and is not expected to be released this year.”

Our estimate is that Unrecord will launch in an early access/alpha/beta state in 2024, with a full launch scheduled for 2026 or beyond.

It should be noted that DRAMA is “still seeking publishers and investors to support the studio,” which could lead to significant delays if funding goals aren’t met.

Those hoping Unrecord would launch soon will want to adjust their expectations, as it seems that this game won’t be out for a while yet.

This article will be updated as soon as more information is revealed about an Unrecord game release date.

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