Imgur ToS Update NSFW Image Ban

Imgur ToS Update: When Will NSFW Image Ban Take Place?

A significant Imgur ToS update has been announced that will ban NSFW content across the image-hosting site. Specifically, it will be removing any images that feature nudity, pornography, and other sexually-explicit content. No doubt, this will impact a vast number of websites and forums, including popular sites like Reddit. Here’s the date when Imgur’s anti-NSFW Terms of Service will go into effect.

When will the Imgur ToS update ban NSFW images?

The Imgur ToS update with the NSFW image ban will take place on May 15, 2023.

We recommend that if you have any images that might be deemed NSFW on Imgur, that you save and download them before they are all deleted off the site.

This includes images that you may think are close to being NSFW too, because the site will be using AI-driven automated detection (alongside human moderation) to tell whether something is NSFW or not. An exception for “artistic nudity” will be made, but that’s quite subjective for anyone to determine.

Our recommendation also extends to any old, unused, and inactive content that you might have uploaded on Imgur in the past, as they will be removed as well.

For more guides on Imgur and Reddit, here is if Reddit is banning NSFW content as well, and how to fix errors with Reddit comments not working due to server errors.

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